This article first appeared in the April 2018 issue of Austin All Natural magazine.
© 2018, Austin All Natural
JOURNEY TO HEALING: Becoming a Holistic Dentist
by Dr. Matthew Carpenter, DDS, NMD
I believe in a loving God, and a universe filled with angels and other good forces. Although it’s easy to see deception and unnecessary harm in American culture today, miracles do abound.
I feel passionate and excited about going to work every day, because of the opportunity to witness a miracle. I can’t take credit for miracles, but enjoy participating in them, observing them, celebrating them with patients.
Credit is due to my mentor Hal Huggins for introducing me to miracles in the dental office. Prior to working with Hal, it didn’t seem possible people could heal from diseases, or reverse illnesses – it seemed that only if necessary medical care was provided, definitely including prescription medications, maybe the person could try to return to a “normal” life.
I didn’t really understand very much about the healing potential of the mind, body and spirit at that time. Hal Huggins pushed the limits of what was possible, from the mid-1980s until his passing a few years ago.
Dr.Huggins had a list of what were considered non-responsive illnesses he successfully reversed with many patients – through dentistry. Specifically, he was removing poisonous metals and infections from patients, using protocols he researched through blood chemistry analysis.
Looking back, it was Hal who gave me permission to believe a patient can really heal from a diagnosed illness. That was a very big shift, and a gift for me, and my patients – learning it’s important what your doctor believes about your health.
Does your doctor think you can heal?
Or do they think your disease should be pharmaceutically managed? The way they believe will probably influence the care you receive. If you want to participate in healing, find a doctor that believes it’s possible – it will increase your chances of success.
After practicing the Huggins protocol for nearly ten years, I can tell you in all honesty I’ve been able to observe many patients recover from illnesses. Dr. Huggins’ list of “non-responsive” illnesses he reversed includes rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, leukemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, many types of cancer (breast, testicular, kidney), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and Sjogren’s syndrome.
It’s a blessing to see people recover from these illnesses after having a Huggins dental revision and altering other aspects of their lifestyle. You see, dentistry is just one source of toxins introduced into our bodies – there’s also food, air, water, cleaning and body care products, cell phones – the list goes on.
Funny thing about dental problems.
They’re very frequently the source – or cause – of the problem, which is probably why we see successful recovery increased when dental poisons and infections are addressed.
Full disclosure – like the Hair Club, I’m not just a provider of the Huggins dental protocol, I’m also a patient who received the protocol. In 2010, I was diagnosed with having the highest recorded mercury levels that the only mercury-specific lab in the world at the time, Quicksilver Scientific, had ever seen.
I’d been chronically ill for about five years, but had no idea mercury was at the root of all my health problems. I have methylation problems, and as a result have a problem detoxifying, especially metals. My genetic glutathione is not very effective at pulling mercury out of my body in a normal way – as a dentist, removing and working with mercury daily without an ability to excrete the metal, I became very, very sick, and very mercury toxic.
Thankfully, I saw a dentist in Marble Falls, Stewart Nunnally, who removed my mercury fillings and cleaned out infections in my jaws where wisdom teeth hadn’t healed right. Dr. Nunnally was another angel and mentor in my life, giving me hope and permission to heal, and I will forever be grateful to him for his expertise and for getting me started on the path to healing.
He had also been given permission to heal several years before, when Dr. Huggins helped him through some health challenges related to his exposure to dental materials. People do lots of good things to clean up their lives, but dental problems hold an unusually large responsibility for many types of chronic health issues.
Having been a person that suffered terribly with gut and digestion problems, insomnia, depression, anxiety, fatigue, arthritis, and nervous system problems, I have a strong interest in seeing patients with these problems recover – because it was my story.
What motivates me to go to work every day?
It’s the possibility of getting to see another miracle of healing. I’m passionate about health. It’s fun to see people heal, because it reminds us of what’s true – that we’re miraculous creatures, who really have a lot of unlocked potential of mind, body, and spirit.
I pray for my patients, get them doing acupuncture, colonics, homeopathy, Reiki, and many other natural, supportive therapies – because these things can also help people heal from illness.
As I’ve participated more and more in observing recoveries, it’s become my belief that only natural, supportive therapies heal the body. They assist the body in doing its thing. That’s what I think works.
Probably the biggest trump card in the deck of healing is attitude – the emotional state of the patient either allows healing, or prevents it. The value of forgiveness and emotional work around recovery from illness is very high, and it feels good.
If you’re a person who believes you have a God-given right to participate in your health and your recovery, and you believe our bodies are designed and compelled to heal, see if health-based dentistry might help you get started on the road to recovery – and health.
Dr. Matthew Carpenter of Transcend Dental Health is an Integrative Biologic Dentist and Board Certified Naturopathic Physician, offering natural oral care products incorporating essential oils, drill-free air abrasion, ozone therapy, non-surgical treatment of gum disease, safe mercury and root canal removal, and natural heavy metal elimination. (512) 255-3618,