Biological Dentistry Uniquely for You

Flu Shots

TDHOffice • December 16, 2018

This article first appeared in the January 2018 issue of Austin All Natural magazine.

© 2018, Austin All Natural

FLU SHOTS: Should you, or shouldn’t you?

by Dr. Matthew Carpenter, DDS, NMD

It’s that time again. Flu season’s here, and with it, a constant barrage of reminders to get your annual flu shot. Interestingly, though, what you’re being told about the influenza vaccine’s effectiveness and the reality are two very different stories.

In January 2015, U.S. government officials admitted that, in most years, flu shots are, at best, fifty to sixty percent effective at preventing lab-confirmed type A or B influenza requiring medical care.

            Flu vaccines are, by nature, a tricky business. Influenza viruses constantly evolve, and public health officials have to guess at least six months before flu season starts which type A and B virus strains will predominantly be in circulation so drug companies can manufacture vaccines. When the strains chosen don’t match strains actually causing most of the disease in any given flu season, the vaccine’s failure rate significantly increases. 

            Even when there’s a good match, flu vaccine’s effectiveness is estimated to be between forty and sixty percent,meaning, at best, public health officials believe you have a sixty percent lower chance of not getting sick with influenza if you get a flu shot – but it could be as low as forty percent. 

Put another way, it’s a coin toss no matter which way you look at it. 

            Before reviewing influenza vaccines, it’s important to remember the majority of respiratory influenza-like illness that people experience during any given flu season is not type A or B influenza.When you get a sore throat, runny nose, headache, fatigue, low-grade fever, body aches, and cough, most of the time it’s another type of viral or bacterial respiratory infection unrelated to influenza viruses

Some other interesting facts abut flu vaccines:

Research published in 2014 concluded resistance to influenza-related illness in persons over nine years old in the U.S. was greatest among those who had not received a flu shot in the previous five years.

The flu vaccine may also increase your risk of contracting other, more serious influenza infections.  Canadian researchers found people who’d received seasonal flu vaccine in 2008 had twice the risk of getting sick with the pandemic H1N1 “swine flu” in 2009, compared to those who didn’t receive a flu shot the previous year. 

A 2009 U.S. study compared health outcomes for children between six months and age eighteen who do and do not get annual flu shots, finding children who receive influenza vaccinations have a three times higher risk of influenza-related hospitalization, with asthmatic children at greatest risk.

Statin drugs, taken by one in four Americans over age forty-five, may undermine your immune system’s ability to respond to the influenza vaccine.After vaccination, antibody concentrations were thirty-eight to sixty percent percent lower in statin users over sixty-five, compared to non-statin users the same age.Antibody concentrations were also reduced in younger people who took statins.

Study suggests flu vaccination during pregnancy can cause miscarriage. 

            In 2009, reports of miscarriage following administration of the pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) swine flu vaccine started emerging. Dozens of women claimed they lost their babies hours or days after getting the pH1N1 vaccine, which had not been tested on pregnant women (or, if it was, evidence was never published). Not surprisingly, these instances were passed off by health officials as coincidental. After all, miscarriages do happen, for any number of different reasons. 

            Alas, scientific findings published September 25, 2017 in the medical journal Vaccine suggest this spike in miscarriage reports may not have been a fluke after all. Researchers found women who had received a pH1N1-containing flu shot two years in a row were, in fact, more likely to suffer miscarriage within the following twenty-eight days. While most miscarriages occurred during the first trimester, several also took place in the second trimester. 

            Finally, remember routine ingredients in vaccines include Thimerasol (or ethyl mercury), aluminum (to promote antibody response), formaldehyde (as a disinfectant), and ethylene glycol (anti-freeze), to name a few. Research has shown that, “If a person has had five consecutive flu shots, their chance of contracting Alzheimers disease is ten times higher than the non-vaccinated person.”

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It’s important to understand that ozone is not a poison and that it has been used to help human health for more than 100 years. To give you a little history, In 1785, the Dutch chemist Martinus van Marum was conducting experiments involving electrical sparking above water when he noticed an unusual smell, which he attributed to the electrical reactions, failing to realize that he had in fact created ozone. A half-century later, Christian Friedrich Schönbein noticed the same pungent odor and recognized it as the smell often following a bolt of lightning. In 1839, he succeeded in isolating the gaseous chemical and named it “ozone,” from the Greek word ozein, meaning “to smell.” For this reason, Schönbein is generally credited with the discovery of ozone. The formula for ozone, O3, was not determined until 1865 by Jacques-Louis Soret and confirmed by Schönbein in 1867. Some other historical uses of ozone demonstrating its safety include its use as a disinfectant in drinking water in 1893, its use as a food preservative for cold storage of meats in 1909 and in 1939 ozone was found to prevent the growth of yeast & mold during the storage of fruits. Most people have heard of ozone because of the concerns with the holes forming in the ozone layer. Ozone in the ozone layer filters out sunlight wavelengths from about 200 nm UV rays to 315 nm, with ozone peak absorption at about 250 nm. This ozone UV absorption is important to life due to the fact that radiation intensity is 350 million times as powerful at the top of the atmosphere as at the surface on the earth. So ozone actually makes life on earth possible. Nevertheless, enough of UV-B radiation at similar frequency reaches the ground to cause some sunburn, and is responsible for the production of vitamin D in humans. In fact, even Benjamin Franklin believed that the presence of cholera was connected with the deficiency or lack of ozone in the atmosphere, a sentiment at the time that was shared by the British Science Association. Industrially, ozone is used to disinfect laundry in hospitals, food factories, and nursing homes and can be used as a disinfectant for water in place of chlorine. Ozone kills bacteria on food or on contact surfaces, can be used to sanitize swimming pools and spas. Ozone is very safe when used properly. The science behind ozone is somewhat complex, but basically the thing to understand is that it can kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds and parasites approximately 4000 times as effectively as bleach, but will not harm human cells if used at the correct dose. Ozone has many health benefits with respect to stopping pain and inflammation, building the immune system naturally and helping to treat and prevent cancer, but we use it extensively in my dental office because of its remarkable ability to improve healing.
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Recognizes an inherent self-healing process in people that is ordered and intelligent The past 30 years have seen an extraordinary increase in consumer demand for safe, effective and cost-effective natural health care. Naturopathic medicine has emerged as the health-care profession best suited to meet this demand. Although it almost disappeared in the mid-twentieth century because of the popularity of drugs and surgery, naturopathic medicine now offers safe, effective natural therapies as a vital part of North American health-care systems in the twenty-first century. Naturopathic physicians are trained in the art and science of natural health care at accredited medical colleges. Integrative partnerships between conventional medical doctors and licensed NDs are becoming more available. This cooperation makes more effective therapies available to consumers. It increases patient satisfaction in their relationships with their care providers. More people are recovering their health by adding naturopathic medicine to their health-care options. “For example, an old appendix scar might cause migraine headaches, or a wisdom tooth extraction scar might cause chronic low-back pain. Because these relationships are totally unpredictable, doctors need to search for interference fields everywhere in the body. Interference fields are very common and the conditions that they cause are mostly untreated in mainstream medicine except by drugs, merely suppressing symptoms.” – European Injection Technique workshops;,

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