Biological Dentistry Uniquely for You

What is CEREC?

TDH Office • April 29, 2020

Why Does It Matter?

At our holistic dental practice in Round Rock, we use the latest and most technologically advanced equipment. Part of our advanced “toolset” is Sirona’s new CEREC AC unit (as well as the new milling unit). While that may just sound like a fancy way to increase prices, it’s actually much more.

Ten years ago, as a new biologic dentist, I began looking at the MSDS (material data safety sheets) for the crowns and filling materials we were using. I was shocked to discover that most of them had the potential to cause cancer! 

This is why I love using Cerec. We can find out what crown or filling material is safe or least reactive for the patient with a serum compatibility test and then can place the material in our Cerec to assure that the patient receives exactly what is safe for them. There is no middle man that can change the material. It is impossible for a patient or a dentist to look at a dental crown and visually tell what material it is made of. For the most part, they all look the same. It’s like water: it all looks the same but there are varying degrees of purity and safety based on what it is made of and where it is sourced. It’s the same with dental crowns.

So what is CEREC? How can CEREC help you, the patient? Why should you choose a CEREC doctor? I’ll try to answer those questions and more, below.


CEREC stands for Ceramic Reconstruction and is a sophisticated system of designing and making high quality, metal-free dental restorations in one patient visit. Developed by Sirona, CEREC utilizes 3D photography and CAD/CAM technology to assist a dentist in designing a virtual restoration (onlay, inlay, crown, or bridge) without taking impressions and, when combined with a milling unit, is able to build the actual restoration while you are still in the chair.

The computer system and camera in the CEREC AC unit have been upgraded substantially from prior units, allowing even a new user to create near perfect restorations on a routine basis.

After being a “CEREC” doctor for almost a decade, I understand the value of what CEREC brings to a practice and a patient. That’s why we recently upgraded to the latest and greatest machine, the CEREC AC. This machine allows us to take digital impressions for restorations (no more gagging on impressions!) and make precise restorations that look excellent, fit perfectly, and last a long time. These are completely made out of biocompatible, metal-free materials and all in very little time. (A typical crown appointment lasts less than 2 hours, and you don’t need to come back to finish the work; it’s all done in one visit!)


By upgrading our CEREC machine, we can do same-day restorations on almost all procedures (you can have a complete crown done in under two hours, in one visit), including inlays, onlays, crowns, and even some bridges. Restorations look outstanding, last a long time, and are biocompatible and metal-free.


If you have been told you need a new crown, inlay, onlay or bridge, you may be a CEREC candidate. If you have a cracked tooth, old failing restorations, or otherwise large damage on your teeth, you may be a CEREC candidate. If you are interested in replacing old metal restorations with bio-compatible restorations, you might be a CEREC candidate.

Essentially, any large restoration in your mouth may be a possible candidate for a CEREC restoration. (This is NOT to say that just because you have an old crown, you need a new one; IF an old restoration needs replacing, CEREC may be a good option for you.)


The cavity preparation is first photographed and stored as a three-dimensional digital model, and proprietary software is then used to approximate the restoration shape using biogeneric comparisons to surrounding teeth. The practitioner then refines that model using 3D CAD software. When the model is complete, a milling machine carves the actual restoration out of a ceramic block using diamond head cutters under computer control. When complete, the restoration is bonded to the tooth using a resin. CEREC is an acronym for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics.



This system is manufactured by Sirona Dental Systems in Bensheim, Germany.
  • 1980 Development of the CEREC method at the University of Zurich W. Mormann, M. Brandestini).
  • 1985 Treatment of the first patient with CEREC (University of Zurich, material: VITABLOCS Mark I).
  • 1986 Siemens acquires the license to market and further develop the CEREC equipment.
  • 1987 CEREC 1 is introduced (chief indication: single and dual-surface inlays; material: VITABLOCS Mark II).
  • 1990 International CEREC Symposium at the University of Zurich.
  • 1991 Hydraulic machining drive replaced by an electronically controlled motor.
  • 1994 CEREC 2 is introduced (range of indications: inlays, onlays, veneers).
  • 1996 CAD/CAM Symposium to mark a decade of CEREC (University of Zurich).
  • 1997 Sirona was formed as the result of the sale of the Dental Division of Siemens AG.
  • 1997 CROWN 1.0 program for producing full-ceramic posterior crowns.
  • 1998 Second material manufacturer partnership is formed (lvoclar, ProCAD).
  • 1998 CROWN 1.11 program for producing posterior and anterior restorations.
  • 2000 CEREC 3 is introduced (compact Windows-based CAD/CAM system).
  • 2000 Third material manufacturer partnership is formed (3M Paradigm MZ100).
  • 2002 More than 2,500 CEREC users in the United States and over 5,000,000 CEREC restorations placed worldwide.
  • 2003 3D software version is released, allowing users to see 3D views of teeth and models.
  • 2006 CEREC Celebrates 20 Years.
  • 2006 Sirona releases BIOGENERIC version of the software. This software allows for the machine to accurately reconstruct the missing tooth shape and surface.
  • 2007 More than 23,000 CEREC users worldwide.
  • 2008 Sirona release the MCXL milling unit, this milling unit can produce a crown in 4 mins.
  • 2009 Sirona release CEREC Acquisition Center (AC) powered by Bluecam


CAD/CAM dentistry such as CEREC is the future of dentistry. Utilizing modern technology, a dentist can produce an accurate, safe, bio-compatible dental crown, inlay, onlay, or bridge, in just one visit.

Technological advances make the system easier to use, more accurate (so you get a better fit right away, which means great comfort and fewer adjustments later), and faster (saving you time in the chair).

More dentists are turning to this new technology. Some are new to the system. Others (like us) have been using it for years. While it isn’t perfect (some adjustments will need to be made, and you still need to spend a good amount of time at the dentist), anything that saves you time and money while increasing quality and comfort is a good thing for both the patient AND the dentist.
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“At Transcend Dental Health we take the time to meet and understand the individuals we serve. We provide value to our patients by using a unique combination of holistic dentistry and naturopathic medicine that honors our patient’s health goals, personal values and the delicate balance which God has designed into our amazing bodies. We assist each patient to define their unique vision for health and help them make choices that are consistent with that vision. We provide a comprehensive explanation of dental procedures, restorative materials and how they relate to total body health. We practice only safe and proven protocols. We provide our patients with facts so that they may make a truly informed consent for care.”
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It’s important to understand that ozone is not a poison and that it has been used to help human health for more than 100 years. To give you a little history, In 1785, the Dutch chemist Martinus van Marum was conducting experiments involving electrical sparking above water when he noticed an unusual smell, which he attributed to the electrical reactions, failing to realize that he had in fact created ozone. A half-century later, Christian Friedrich Schönbein noticed the same pungent odor and recognized it as the smell often following a bolt of lightning. In 1839, he succeeded in isolating the gaseous chemical and named it “ozone,” from the Greek word ozein, meaning “to smell.” For this reason, Schönbein is generally credited with the discovery of ozone. The formula for ozone, O3, was not determined until 1865 by Jacques-Louis Soret and confirmed by Schönbein in 1867. Some other historical uses of ozone demonstrating its safety include its use as a disinfectant in drinking water in 1893, its use as a food preservative for cold storage of meats in 1909 and in 1939 ozone was found to prevent the growth of yeast & mold during the storage of fruits. Most people have heard of ozone because of the concerns with the holes forming in the ozone layer. Ozone in the ozone layer filters out sunlight wavelengths from about 200 nm UV rays to 315 nm, with ozone peak absorption at about 250 nm. This ozone UV absorption is important to life due to the fact that radiation intensity is 350 million times as powerful at the top of the atmosphere as at the surface on the earth. So ozone actually makes life on earth possible. Nevertheless, enough of UV-B radiation at similar frequency reaches the ground to cause some sunburn, and is responsible for the production of vitamin D in humans. In fact, even Benjamin Franklin believed that the presence of cholera was connected with the deficiency or lack of ozone in the atmosphere, a sentiment at the time that was shared by the British Science Association. Industrially, ozone is used to disinfect laundry in hospitals, food factories, and nursing homes and can be used as a disinfectant for water in place of chlorine. Ozone kills bacteria on food or on contact surfaces, can be used to sanitize swimming pools and spas. Ozone is very safe when used properly. The science behind ozone is somewhat complex, but basically the thing to understand is that it can kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds and parasites approximately 4000 times as effectively as bleach, but will not harm human cells if used at the correct dose. Ozone has many health benefits with respect to stopping pain and inflammation, building the immune system naturally and helping to treat and prevent cancer, but we use it extensively in my dental office because of its remarkable ability to improve healing.
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Recognizes an inherent self-healing process in people that is ordered and intelligent The past 30 years have seen an extraordinary increase in consumer demand for safe, effective and cost-effective natural health care. Naturopathic medicine has emerged as the health-care profession best suited to meet this demand. Although it almost disappeared in the mid-twentieth century because of the popularity of drugs and surgery, naturopathic medicine now offers safe, effective natural therapies as a vital part of North American health-care systems in the twenty-first century. Naturopathic physicians are trained in the art and science of natural health care at accredited medical colleges. Integrative partnerships between conventional medical doctors and licensed NDs are becoming more available. This cooperation makes more effective therapies available to consumers. It increases patient satisfaction in their relationships with their care providers. More people are recovering their health by adding naturopathic medicine to their health-care options. “For example, an old appendix scar might cause migraine headaches, or a wisdom tooth extraction scar might cause chronic low-back pain. Because these relationships are totally unpredictable, doctors need to search for interference fields everywhere in the body. Interference fields are very common and the conditions that they cause are mostly untreated in mainstream medicine except by drugs, merely suppressing symptoms.” – European Injection Technique workshops;,

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