This article first appeared in the October 2016 issue of Austin All Natural magazine.
© 2018, Austin All Natural
Are your fillings giving you indigestion?
by Dr. Matthew Carpenter
Mercury-free dentists know from the pioneering work of Hal Huggins, DDS that if mercury enters the stomach, it can weaken stomach acid. Here’s why.
Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is the main digestive acid in your stomach, and Mercury + HCL = Mercuric Chloride, which damages the lining of the stomach and its ability to make hydrochloric acid.
Strong stomach acid not only breaks down the food you eat into digestible particles, it also kills food-borne pathogens, such as parasites, amoebas, and bad bacteria, keeping them from entering the intestines.
Weak stomach acid, on the other hand, makes it easier for pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and amoebas to get inside you and challenge your immunity. You can imagine over time how someone with mercury amalgam fillings in their teeth might develop parasites and pathogenic microbes, as well as digestion issues and gut problems.
Weak stomach acid can also cause indigestion – literally meaning you can’t digest food – and indigestion causes heartburn. Millions of Americans have mercury amalgam fillings in their teeth, millions of Americans suffer from indigestion and heartburn, and millions of Americans buy over-the-counter antacids for relief.
However, if low HCL is causing the indigestion, antacids (which are alkalinizing) can worsen the situation – and many contain aluminum, another toxin. Mercury is also very toxic to the kidneys, placing even more strain on your elimination system.
It’s a vicious circle.
The end result?
Because of mercury amalgam fillings, I wind up with a person with poor digestion, acidosis, and malnutrition walking into my office to get treated for cavities, gum inflammation, and a cracked tooth.
And the ADA is still saying that mercury amalgam fillings are fine, and dentists who tell patients mercury is unsafe may lose their licensing.
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