Biological Dentistry Uniquely for You

Holistic Dentistry for Children

Our dental treatment for children is carefully planned to reduce toxins from treatment materials. No fluoride or aluminum is ever used, and tooth-cleaning products are gluten-free. Composite filling materials are BPA-free. Our anesthetics for children do not contain epinephrine. 

Transcend Dental does not sedate children.

We may recommend precise dosing of a child with xylitol as it eradicates the bacteria that cause cavities. We also offer products with vitamin D to support healthy bones and teeth. 

Dr. Chang is trained to perform early diagnosis of problems that may result from crowding of baby teeth. Incorrect tooth placement, bone structure and muscle development can affect nighttime breathing, and cause sleep, behavioral or growth problems. 

In everything we do, we consider the future health of our young patients while caring for any dental issues we find. 

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