The Healthy Gum Supreme package of nontoxic products is for a patient who has a history of more advanced gum disease treatment. When a person has pockets of five to nine millimeters around several teeth and a significant history of dental work with a family history of periodontal disease, this package for them:
- Perioscript: For use in an oral irrigator to reach bacteria below the gum line.
- Ora Wellness Heal Thy Mouth Essential Oils: To support a healthy flora.
- ProBioraPro: Contains various strains of probiotics for oral health.
- PerioClear: An alcohol-free mouthwash made from soothing herbs.
- Vitamin C: An excellent supplement for both gums and overall health.
- Glutathione: A powerful antioxidant.
- OraMD: Use as a liquid toothpaste or an oral rinse to clean away bad bacteria.
- Common Sense: A more alkaline mouth means less bacterial growth. This baking soda formula increases alkalinity.
- pH Paper: To test acidity/alkalinity of the mouth.
- Dr. Bass Periodontal Toothbrush: This toothbrush does the best job of plaque removal.
- Radius Natural Silk Floss: The best floss for your gum tissues.
- WO Oil: A remarkably effective healing oil.
- Peridontalin Complex: A nutritional supplement to support healing for gums and bone.
- PerioPaste: An excellent natural toothpaste.